Sometimes in life you take a decision you are not sure would work out or not. Still you go with your gut and prepare yourself to face concequences, be it good or bad.
I took the biggest decision of my life and ... umm.. what can I say.. didn't work out the way i thought... but still, it taught me a few important lessons of life which im sure, would possibly never have learnt if not this time.
I blindly trusted one of my friend with whom i have known for last 10 years, and whom i thought would not be the first to betray me, if not the last atleast. YET it happened. All what I was promised to come onboard and work in his firm turned out as fake as crocodile trears. Big company, high pay, nice work culture and much needed international exposre... all came out to be a BIG FAT lie.
Within 2 days I came to know, neither he has anything, nor his firm has. If you talk to him, he would brag so much about his qualifications that you would feel you have done nothing. But the reality is, he is not even a Graduate even in B.Sc. But if asked upon, he might produce certificates (fake ofcourse). One more gal, classmate of his, who knew him for years was also working in his firm when i joined. Though she also left the firm just 15 days after i did...!!! after 3 months of work.From the day we met till the last day i met her, we had atleast one lie of his unearthed. My goddd... we just couldn't believe we trusted that guy and took biggest decisions of our life (ya.. like me also, she left her settled job).
Next 2 months I spent hunting for job like anything. But couldn't managed to get into anyone. Though, later I came to know that it wasnt the best time to search for job. Hiring is freezed from May till September in most of the cases. So I was left, all alone without job. Its hard to admit but its true that even after being optimistic for the whole time about the situation that something good would surely come out of this, I felt low sometimes. I have never been jobless from the start of my career and now, all of a sudden, I have nothing to do. At this time, I had my family and the Gal I love beside me, who kept me intact and gave me courage to fight back the situation I have put myself into and come out of it. She never made me feel I lost something, at the sametime pushed me to get the best out of me and go for the best.
Thanks to them and GOD, that I am back to the place I truely belong, which I left for Better, ignoring the fact that I already had the best with me. I guess, its human nature.
"We never like what we have, We never have what we like, STILL we live, we love".
All I can say is, its good to hunt for the better things in life and never settle and take risks as LIFE = RISK. BUT never to forget, the risk should be CALCULATIVE.
Its life whom you are dealing with.