Few days back, i came across a new invention that took place in the research labs of Nokia. i.e. their new Mobile phone named MORPH. Its a bridge between high end technology and potential users. This mobile represents the extent and depth of the advancement of technology that is happening in the world we live in and yet we are untouched from it. This device concept took leaps into the future techonology and unleashed it to the people. It shows the future face of science and technology that we know today as Nanotechnology. The phone is developed by Nokia Research Center and Cambridge Nanoscience Centre showcasing some of the best nanoscale technologies that potentially would create a new world of electronics and open a new specturm of possibilities.

The mobile is equipped with few amazing features that would blow your mind off.
1. Flexible and transparent
2. Built-in sensors that will understand the surrounding environment
3. Built-in solar devices that will get charged up
4. Made with the material that is self cleaning and self preserving
5. About 10 000 transistors integrated to the precision of a single fly hair.
6. 3D sensing buttons
7. Can flip and fold it and use it as a wrist band.
You can them by see yourself at: http://www.nokia.com/A4852062
Its not something like this is the only mobile, that has the remarkable features, in the market. We have iPhone in the market that has some of the outstanding features that is not possessed by any other mobile and hence, by far, it is the best mobile to go for as of today. And even before also, the mobiles used to come. If we choose to see, not so long ago, the mobiles that were launched initially were so bulky and costly that people seldom preferred to buy them. But if we look at the mobile market now, we will realize that mobile phone we purchase today would get outdated within a week. Market is flodded with the mobiles with newest technology and added features and everyday we see on the information media (TV, Newspaper etc.) that one company or the other is getting their new mobiles launched to keep up in the market and compete with its rivals. But the use of future technology in the mobile is taken up in this mobile and hence Nokia has taken a big leap ahead of its competitors the day this mobile was unveiled. This video shows us how beautifully the imaginations are being turned into reality. Ofcourse the time is a big factor but what more important is the belief and the imagination the people had, outcome of which is truely remarkable.
So i know and i am sure that after seeing this video, we all will have few ticks of clock to appreciate the hard work, the Engineers and Scientists, have put in and the imagination they have behind it and for taking the Mobile technology to the next level. And so we all can say that with so many built in featurs, it surely is the face of the future of mobile technology. And undoubtedly Nanotech is the no more a future tech and now is a reality that soon will take over the present technology and will give us the devices that we still cant even imagine in our wildest of the dreams.
One should never stop Dreaming as Todays' dream could be Tomorrows reality.You could be the poineer of it. You just need to have the courage to follow your heart even if it leads you off the world known path.
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